
GEG stock a wide range of air compressors to suite your needs, all our air compressors are provided by the 2 most well known brands of air compressors ABAC and NUAIR, Most of the air compressor we stock are fit for all our garage equipment like tyre changers scissor lifts 4 post lifts and much more. We also offer a range of compressors for other typed of industries.

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  • ABAC Tandem 270 litre compressor

    ABAC Air Compressors

    ABAC Pro A39 B Tandem FM3 Twin 3HP 270 Litre Air Compressor

    PRO A39 270 FM3 TANDEM 3 + 3Hp, 270Ltr (230v) PRO Series Single stage belt driven piston compressors  ABAC PRO professional single stage piston compressors combine high user comfort with great durability and efficient performance. All the units are...
    Price: £1,850.00


  • NUAIR Tandem 270 Litre Air Compressor

    NUAIR Air Compressors

    NUAIR 270 Litre tandem Pro Series Air Compressor

    This is a tandem belt drive compressor and is suitable for a variety of applications. This type of air compressor is ideal for workshops who have a larger need for compressed air but are limited to a power supply of 240V. The NB38/270 TD Pro series has...
    Price: £1,895.00


  • Pro B7000 10HP 270 Litre 3 phase Air Compressor

    ABAC Air Compressors

    Pro B7000 10HP 270 Litre 3 phase Air Compressor

    PRO B7000 270 FT10 10Hp, 270Ltr (3 Phase) A 270 Litre 10 Horse Power air compressor delivering 42cfm, on two stage belt driven air compressors the air is compressed twice as opposed to once like on our single stage air compressors which then allows the...
    Price: £1,950.00
