Tyre Changing Packages
Tyre Changing Packages
Which tyre changing package should you choose? There is a huge range of tyre changer and balancer packages on the UK market and with such vast choices how do you know who to buy from? Here at the Garage Equipment Group, we have tried to make your choice easier. We have 6 very simple packages to choose from ranging in price and capability. We have on show all specifications and top features for each tire fitting package, so you don’t have to search the internet finding information about tyre changers and wheel balancers. We have very basic entry level tyre shop equipment right up to our premium fully automatic tyre changer and balancer package so you are in good hands and can be assured that we have the right Package for you!
With our range of Tyre changers & wheel balancers you can rest assured that no matter the price you are still buying into Affordable Quality, backed by a vast parts department and technical expertise to keep your tyre equipment in good working order.
All Platinum, Eurotek & Ecotek Tyre changer & wheel balancer packages conform to CE regulations and are tested to a high standard during the manufacturing process. Due to our vast range of packages and confidence in our product, we can offer a price match promise on any Tyre changing machine that is like for like in quality and design.